Tang of Titanium

Should the thumb metacarpal bone become damaged or misaligned it may be necessary to install a retaining device.  Great care and accuracy are needed and should be carried out by a qualified professional only.

When out cold, pull the bone into alignment and clamp firmly in place.  It may be possible to shoot retaining wires (2545-11) through the structure without removing the covering layer.  However, if any surrounding muscle fibre has been drawn into the break during re-alignment, then it will be necessary to fully dismantle, remove foreign objects and then install a titanium plate (2543-11).

In the latter case, cut down the cover along the bone line and spread with a clean clamp.  With the internals re-positioned, drill evenly spaced holes of 1.1mm radially through the undamaged area.  Position the titanium plate (2543-11) and fix with 1.5mm titanium screws, without over-torquing.  Reassemble and re-join cover with even spaced stiches.

NB:  It is advised that a running in period of six weeks is observed.  Pressure and sudden movements are to be avoided but frequent controlled exercises will prevent any permanent sticking.

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